Wednesday 8 April 2009

Foundation: Morse

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Known as CW, morse is a method of communication using a keyer (pictured above) to send tones (long and short) in sequences that spell out individual letters and numbers. The tones are known as dit and dah, dit for dot and dah for dash. For example a single dit is the letter E and a single dah is the letter T and so on. The following tree diagram is a method for working out, where to the left is the dit and right is dah. For example Y is dah, dit, dah dah.

The speeds people send and read morse are rediculous, however brilliant in that the sequences are very rhythmic.

For the Foundation, using a printed list of the letter codes you have to send and receive a short message. I am reassured that the speed is very slow, however this does seem to make receiving harder as the dits and dahs seem less pronounced. Better get keying!

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