Wednesday 13 January 2010

The tunes start to form

I have been noodling with the guitar for some time, for the length of time, I dare not calculate. Of late I have been getting together some set tunes, adding beginnings and endings to the middles I have spent so long crafting and playing time and again.

The direction and inspiration for this medley of songs (I say songs as it is true, there are words which whisper themselves from my voice) comes from the river, it's source and flows to the mouth, metaphorically. I am still at an early stage where fear is hard to conquer, but with practice I hope to alleviate this nonsense and revel in the creative act.

With the end of the Christmas decs and the arrival of floral hues and patterns, I am guided by my love and am rest assured, things will be. One day I hope you will hear these pulsings.

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