Saturday 10 July 2010

Making waves

"Read all about it!"

"Two boaters and a cat are setting loose on the canal network!"

Yes, you read it here first. I guess it was just a matter of time before we went with the flow. As I am sooner than soon leaving the ties of work, we are in a process of wrapping up loose ends in Nottingham ready for the move. Since conversing with a friend about 'leaving' Nottingham it struck me that living aboard doesn't have it's location restrictions as much living in bricks and mortar. I'm finding that although we are leaving the immediate area, we don't particularly have another area to move into, it just seems alot more fluid. No fixed abode, is just what it is. As the rivers and canals are constantly flowing, there feels less boundaries to city living.

And so, come the end of the month we will be making bow waves toward the south. Our first point of focus is getting to Atherstone and it looks like we will be going via Derby, so the oposite direction from our journey from Braunston to Nottingham, via Leicester. And then? well, we would like to visit London and Bristol and Birmingham and all the places inbetween.

This is not the last you will hear from Amanda, nor the last you will see of her rays! So stay in touch and follow the travels on The Kite Experiment.

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