Thursday 19 August 2010

Curtains to it!

My dear mother has been helping me to make some lovely curtains for the boat, winterising her as much as possible. I found some huge fabulous green velvet drapes in a second hand retro shop perfect for the job. They already had lining so just needed some good snipping and stitching up.

After trying to get my head round doing the curtains myself, I had to dash home to mother-bird for assistance, it just didn't make sense. I have never been much of a seamstress in my childhood and had little idea even now where to pin, stitch or anything else really.

After a day of female shenanegans, we set to working on making 6 curtains at 9pm! Note here I was aiming on driving back from the south to the midlands the next morning! With the measurements of the windows to hand, tape measures round our necks and the curtains stretched out we set about pinning along the lines to cut.

As it came together, it became clearer what we had to do. Cut one large curtain in half and this was enough for two windows in width allowing for some small ripples of material. It had heading tape already in place so we worked with this and just added in the seams either side and fixed the lining in place.

By midnight we had cut and pinned two out of six curtains.

So the next day, mum got up and was already sewing away before I had had my first cup of tea! And look what a wonderful sewing machine she was using...

Now that mum has shown me what to do, I have been sent to the floating home with Singer and the rest of the material to finish off. And they are coming along swimmingly! Already we have three windows hung looking very regal indeed.

With plans ahead of leaving our base this week we are tying up all lose ends and so the curtains will have to wait to be finished when we are on the move.

Stay linked to the kite project to see our move in text and colour!

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