Thursday 19 August 2010

Mushroom hunting

We discovered that an old tree had fallen and broken the security fence from the towpath into the back of Sainsburys and other industrial units. No we didn't do a Supermarket Sweep, even though it did cross my mind, the trees were professionally chopped up, though not into small enough pieces to make fire wood and left for dead. This dying wood and chipped wood was a hot bead for new growth, most interestingly insects and fungi.

So Delia and I set about a journey along the towpath to where said wood had fallen and set about sniffing out what sort of fungi we were actually looking at.

Even after studying the fungi book, I was unable to completely identify which species of fungi these little shrrroooms were part of, I decided they were best left alone.

And thus, Delia and I trundled home to a loving boat.

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