Sunday 13 February 2011

A walking weekend

I woke on Saturday morning keen to get out for some fresh air and a good stretch. Being in a small home means that often stretching isn't all that free and easy.

So I needed these...

and these...

The weather was fine, the canal was still, like a mirror...

and I was timing the distance to the local village, Atherstone...

35minutes later and I was walking into the high street. I had taken my swimming gear and did a morning of lengths until my eye's stung from the chlorine. With the wind drying my hair, I took the towpath back home, passing backyards and cottages on my way...

The landscape was breath taking...

on both sides!

On my route home, the cows who had earlier been moo-ing at each other to shuffle along on the bridge had taken to sitting down, one even on it's side. Oh dear! I thought, best get home before the rains come. And they sure did but fortunately I had made it back inside the boat, phew!

Today, I have started a new woodwork project making a lovely garden bee/insect home for someone's birthday coming up. So I got some ideas from the local hardwear store and picked up some bamboo for the tubes. I've done a fair bit of sawing up of wood to get the roof sorted and battled with securing the 45degree angle. After cutting my hands a few times, it seemed like time to leave it for the day and settle by the fire with a mug of tea.


Anonymous said...

Came across your blog randomly while researching Benjamin Franklin's 'kite experiment' and have read through most now- your life afloat is fascinating and a world apart from mine (I live in tropical Cambodia). Inspiring, excellent blog- thanks.

-Samantha (an American living in Cambodia)

Amanda said...

Hi Samantha,

Glad you liked the blog. Living aboard a boat is quite an experiment in itself and I'm fascinated with electromagnetic waves, so the title is quite fitting.

Thank you for saying hi! All the best,