Thursday 16 February 2012

A few little secrets

I have some things to report. Firstly, and this does tickle me, is that we have a regular pair of visitors who knock on the side of the boat. They give us a smile and flash off their beautiful bodies in return for some old bread, crackers or seeds. These two swans have been known to come knocking in the early hours when the curtain is open and the light from inside is illuminating the canal. There are other waterfowl who tap the hull, namely ducks who will nibble the length of the boat where the waterline is, to eat the algae. One particular morning, I think about 5.30am we were woken up by such an instance.

Another thing about life aboard is post. Now, I only really want love letters and messages from family and friends to reach my hands, oh, and on occasion, cheques are very nice. Unfortunately, authorities, bodies and organisations do not hear my demands. They don't have a system for 'those floating lot' and the postman can't seem to find us. I like to say I have 'no fixed abode' and watch the face behind the desk crumple and repeatedly say 'Yes and an address please...?' But there are times when you can't seem to get round the bureaucracy i.e. opening a new bank account, Inland Revenue, G.P, DVLA, Payroll and even British Waterways! What can us water gypsies do? Thank the friends and family who help us out.

Finally, a joy of living this life is that when spring arrives it is such an amazing experience; to pass through the transition of hibernating in winter into living outdoors in spring is wonderful!

1 comment:

Tui said...

I'm with you both there !!!!!
And especially when you say "I would please like to make gentle use of your Post Restante service"
The looks on their faces should be filmed !
And the then raggy attitudes once you have explain what it is :)

Wiff waff and vagabonds :)

Adios Amigo's
