Sunday 9 May 2010

Browsing round the boat

The other day I thought I would capture some of the spaces in our home as it is all gradually coming together.

Here is my studio...

I am planning on making a drop leaf table top, secured to the shelving so that I can pull out my electronic bits and bobs and get making and creating with ease again. One thing, do you think they've invented a solar powered soldering iron yet?

Leigh's extra special books all made it aboard and fit brilliantly on this shelving sideboard that we picked up from Ikea in their ex-display section at a bargin price.

I saved some of the house plants from the flat, mainly cacti and the lovely peace lilly which has taken very well to the environment, I think all these windows have come in useful!

The heart of the boat requires constant maintenance, even as I write this blog Leigh is brushing away the ash from inside the burner making it ready for this evening's burn. Here is the set up of tools, coal, wood, firelighters, paper...

The utility room has become a bomb site again, I had sorted it out a few weeks ago but still need to remove the old sink and put up the rest of the shelving to really get things in their places. Organise, organise, organise...

The kitchen is holding up very well to cooking beautiful meals and storing foods. This particular night Leigh was cooking one of his fantastic curries (his secret to filling the boat full of morrish smells?? Answer: gently dry toast the spices first!) We have decided not to use the undercounter fridge at the moment as we are managing fine without and it saves on electricity too.

Our lounge area needs a little more shelving in place and as I've newly painted the walls it is ready when we are for this.

My raleigh swift fits perfectly on the stern. Leigh has purchased a tarpaulin sheet which I've now started to cover my bike with as it was starting to rust in areas already and has developed a strange squeeking from one side of the pedals.

And finally, Leigh's gorgeous ornaments and crafts from around the world are being brought out from the wooden box and displayed around the boat...

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