Sunday 9 May 2010

Delia the adventurer

Leigh and I have made the decision that when we move the boat, we keep Delia inside so that she doesn't accidently go overboard. She is always very intrigued when she gets put inside and the engine whurs and we start bobbing around the canal. She sits atop the highest shelving unit to look from the window and when we finally open the doors into the galley, her bright button face is always there looking out.

When we arrived at Bridge 11, Delia was very excited. We let her out and she explored the local terrain. She has been wonderful at going off and coming back to the boat, finding us without too much bother. However this is her second little antic where she got into a pickle, the first being when she took herself over a bridge and then got intimidated by the local cats and got stuck.

She had been gone for quite some time, a few hours or so. Normally she pops in to tell us what she has been up to in kity cat talk, nibbles at some crunchies, has some 40winks on our bed and cries to go out again, repeat above stages. However it was her first exploration of the area and there was no sign, not even the trusted whistling and rattle of her crunchies gave a rustle of Delia fur in the bushes. So Leigh went in search. I was wondering what was going on after half an hour of him out of sight. He came back in a drama, stern faced telling me of Delia behind two sets of security fences, the little f***er!

Fortunately Leigh has kept a ladder from the flat that we have had to keep on the roof. I wondered why we should keep such a high ladder when really nothing on the boat is over arm's reach. This is why....

Leigh and I took the ladder, a basket and some long rope left over from our mooring ropes along to where scared looking Delia sat behind bars. Leigh had made the plan. We propped the ladder against the high security fence and Leigh went up taking the basket with rope attached. He hoisted it over the fence and lowered the basket to the ground. With some encouragement Delia came close to the basket. Leigh said to Delia "now get in" and at that command Delia stepped into the basket ready to be rescued.

I couldn't stop laughing as Leigh was telling me to stop pulling the rope so quickly. She appeared to fully understand the rescue mission at hand. Brilliant! Leigh was not best pleased with Delia, but with some TLC for the two of them they were both feeling brighter after a few hours.

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