Saturday 1 May 2010

One month later...

I can't quite believe it. It has been one month since my last blog entry and we have finally sucessfully boarded our home afloat!

The move was a real pain in the backside and involved lots and lots of hard graft, trips to the tip, cleaning, selling excess items, charity shop runs, car hires, car borrows... And then we finally did it on the 23rd April, on came the last bits to make our home. We were moored just by Lenton Bridge on the Nottingham canal for the duration of the move and have since cruised the canal to castle marina Nottingham.

We got Delia Derbyshire aboard early on so that she could settle to the smells of the boat and be less disturbed by the rapidly emptying flat. She has been amazing and has really taken to the lifestlye. With the weather change into Spring she has been out more than in and has always managed to find her way home to her floating bed!

Here is Delia checking out the neighbourhood swan's. Her shivering body the first time she saw one from the boat windows has ceased to be a problem and she is managing to find her way in the big outdoors. Oh and yes she has gone in, twice in fact. Not sure if it was a choice thing... she has just come in all spikey and licked herself clean by the burner.

Delia seems to be getting on well, princess and the pea?!

Here is our 24Volt electricity...

and here is our washing machine...

I have been planting up some basic food stuff on the roof in top boxes so that we will have fresh greens throughout the summer

and managed to bring aboard a pot of strawberries salvaged from the flat's garden.

I've been doing lots of DIY aboard, painted up around the walls with mold resistant paint. It now looks lovely and fresh! The bathroom has really been coming together, as I painted and put up shelves and hooks for all our bits and bobs.

This evening I have been completing the sealant around the shower, removing the old stuff (not a job I would like to do again) using white spirit, a scouring pad and the methalated spirits (high as a kite you may think!).

Still it is looking lovely with the strips filling in the small gap from the joint in the wall. I just need to get my hands on one of those guns for the sealant tube to finish off the bottom edging.

Leigh has been a sweetheart and brought home flowers to scent the boat...

Unfortunately our battery power is limited so although I would like to go on blogging all evening and update about all the recent events, I'll have to call it a night before this laptop gives in on me. Oh! the days of on the grid electrics! The burner is going and it's time to sit gazing at the flickers and flashes of amber. Until next time, from the gyptians.

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