Tuesday 9 February 2010

Narrowboat news

After all the frozen weather over Christmas and throughout January, the boat has survived! Horrah! (however upon writing this I hear of more ice on it's way!) Obviously this has held up any moves towards our goal. Fortunatley, we have visited the boat since, down near the power station (pictured above full of smoky clouds) and got the burner going. All is well and we are once again full of joy and excitement at our future prospect.

The pontoon has been well hauled in, with some adjustments to the near by tree and chaining up well. Also we discovered that the gangplank is back in place which is great to access the boat with ease. We did have some difficulty with the car, we could only go so close to the boat and walk the duration through the mud. Really one needs a 4x4 but, well, we don't, so there.

It really was cold as we go onboard but with a leaf log on the burner and cups of tea it soon warmed up!

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