Saturday 11 September 2010

Nottingham to Atherstone *8

Day Eight

We left Whittington with a bowl full of plum's from the overhanging tree onto the canal. We passed the stone indicating the Junction of Brimingham and Fazeley and Coventry canals and continue on what is now called the Brimingham and Fazeley.

The bridges on this stretch are delightfully titled with no sight of anonymous numbers. It was a fine and dramatic day as we set out through the back yards of farmer's fields.

The canal lines a beautiful stretch of woodland (Hopwas Hays Wood) with tree tops reaching up to the clouds. Noticing at the foot of the wood, signs have been erected warning of the dangers, it is a rifle range. I looked to the map and quite true it does state, Danger Area!

We continued along until there were other boats and mooring availability. There were no more signs, and the trees at this point were still as impressive so we were happy to settle for the night. Delia went off to explore the woods leading to the quick flowing river...

And Leigh and I barbied the sausages which we needed to use up. And how typical, the heavens opened so out came the brolly to protect the cooking!

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