Sunday 12 September 2010

Nottingham to Atherstone *9

Day Nine

Leaving the beauty of Hopwas Wood bridge we intend to get to Tamworth, a journey of about 5 miles today. This length of canal is still lock-less until Tamworth itself, so leads to long cruising without many pauses. I did alot of the steering today to build up my skills of this, it felt a bit like a driving test with navigating tight corners and bridges, on coming traffic and passing moored craft. But all went well!

We reached Fazeley Junction and headed in the direction of Coventry, back on what is called the Coventry canal. I nervously steered her over Tame Aquaduct which only gave a foot of grace each side of the boat. In no time we were through and heading round the sharp bend towards Kettlebrook.

Ahead was the approach to the twin locks named Glascote Locks. We stopped for late lunch and rounded the corner to find a queue for the locks.

I went ahead to lend a hand whilst Leigh managed the boat at the towpath side. They are slow filling locks and so you cannot be rushed.

Leigh took the tiller and steered the boat into the open lock

I wound the paddles and opened up the gates...

And Leigh controlled the movements of the boat from the stern as the locks filled up.

We took the straight into the depths of Tamworth and after enquiring about a local shop from a walker on the tow path we moored for the night at around bridge 67. Leigh went off in search of supplies and I set to sweeping and mopping the boat. Leigh came home with mushrooms and peppers, perfect for my idea of home baked pizza made from scratch.

1 comment:

barry said...

hey hey - great blog Amanda!
looks like quite an adventure this boat malarky - must need to keep your wits about you when on the move what with the steering and locks business.You'll be seasoned boaters in no time no doubt!
Great photos n poetry too!!
love to you all! xxx